Unprecedented attacks on young people must be reversed
The People Before profit Alliance today called on young people to vote for real change next Friday.Recent months have seen unprecedneted attacks on our youth. These include savage cuts to our education system and hikes in student registration fees and the slashing of social welfare payments by 50% to for those our under 20. There have also been cuts in community facilities and drug treatment services. On top of all this escalating unemployment will mean many of our young people are being deprived of any hope of a better future. The bail out of the banks and creation of NAMA will leave them saddled with debt for decades.
People Before Profit in candidate in Ballybrack, Hugh Lewis, who is 25, said “My generation grew up believing that a better future lay ahead for us, and it can be."
"We need to immediately start measures that offer our young people the hope of a better future. We need public works schemes that will employ the thousands of highly skilled young people who have the many talents to build and create the schools, hospitals and community centres that are so badly needed. We need to expand our education system that will secure the same academic opportunities regardless of a persons social background. Unless we invest in our young people we will only increase their alienation, which will lead to anti-social behaviour and the increase in drug use particularly in communities such as Ballybrack, Loughlinstown, Sallynoggin and Shankill that are already badly neglected.
Our young people need to vote on June 5th. They need to send a clear message that we are not paying for a recession caused by the political elite and their crony developer and banker friends. A vote for People Before Profit puts the needs of young people,and their communities first. As a councillor I will prioritise the provision of amenities for young people”.
For more information Contact Eddie Conlon 087 6775468