Elections 2009
People Before Profit Alliance says Vote for Real Change and Give the Government a Bloody Nose
Alliance Predicts Gains For Left Independents
Attacks On Joe Higgins Show The Establishment Is Running Scared
The People Before Profit Alliance today called on the public to vote for real change on Friday
Spokesperson Richard Boyd Barrett said “The response at the doorstep and recent poll results show there is a real desire fro change. People are angry with a government that has pumped billions into failed banks while services and wages are cut and dole queues get longer. On Friday the public should vote for candidates who offer a genuine alternative to the failed policies of the establishment parties. We are confident that the People Before Profit Alliance and other left independents will make gains. We are aiming to have more seats than the Greens who are now a spent force in Irish politics.
The outcome of the election will see a significant number of independents elected committed to building a new radical political force. The People Before Profit Alliance is committed to working with other liked minded individual and organisations to give political expression to those who want real change. The alternative offered by Fine Gael and Labour would see no major change in the direction of government policy. Fine Gael intends even more savage cut-backs in public services and they refuse point blank to call for taxes on wealth. There is no future for the left in doing deals with parties beholden to big business and failed economic doctrines.”
People Before Profit will not be doing deals with any of the establishment parties on local councils. Instead our councillors will give voice to the anger of the public and lead the resistance to cuts and local charges. We will be an independent voice for all those wanting real change.
Vote For Joe Higgins in Dublin
The Alliance reiterated its call to vote for Joe Higgins (of the Socialist Party) in the Dublin European Election Constituency.
People Before Profit Alliance Councillor Joan Collins said “Recent attacks on Joe Higgins by the Taoiseach and Garrett Fitzgerald show that the establishment is running scared. They are scared of the possibility that a real fighter for workers and the unemployed could be elected. Like the People Before Profit candidates Joe is committed to offering a real alternative to the establishment parties. He is also committed to defending the No Vote to Lisbon”.