Solidarity With Kenyan Protestors

The IMF and western capital are seeking to use Kenya as a playground for testing austerity in developing economies to funnel profits to the first world. Ireland experienced similar types of austerity imposed on us in the financial crisis in order to keep the larger economies of Europe afloat.

Protests were triggered by the introduction of a finance bill that would have resulted in price increases on many staple products which would have disproportionately hit those least able to pay – particularly in a country already experiencing a cost of living crisis. For example, the bill would have seen a 16% sales tax on bread and 25% duty on cooking oil. An additional “eco levy” would have resulted in extra charges on essential items such as sanitary pads and nappies.

We condemn the killings of innocent protestors by the Kenyan police and call on the Irish government to do the same. The right of people to protest should be protected across the world and we must show international solidarity with people facing discrimination at the hands of oppressive police forces.

The Kenyan workers are an inspiration to us and to workers across the world for their bravery and conviction. We wish them well in their continued struggle against President Ruto, the elites and imperialist capitalists trying to control Kenya’s economy for their own benefit.

The Kenyan working class have every right to the vast wealth that they generate for the west and should push until they get what they’re due.

Imperialism still plagues Africa and the undeniable economic control over these states that Ireland and our politicians are complicit in is disgraceful. We must push our government and the EU to end these imperialistic ties between Europe and Africa, workers worldwide share the same struggle to claim ownership of the vast profits we create.

People Before Profit commends the rising of the young workers of Kenya and sends our fullest solidarity to them and our comrades in Kenya in their continued struggle. People power movements like this show that the capitalist states of the world can be stood up to by regular workers.