Report From Shannon

Over 600 Palestinian activists, from Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Sligo, and Leitrim protested at Shannon on Sunday.

They were protesting Ireland’s complicity with Israel’s genocide in Gaza. The Irish government allows US planes to transport arms and military equipment via Shannon. After eleven months of systematic murder of Palestinians and the destruction of Gaza and now the West Bank, it refuses even to search planes. It is thereby assisting US support for Israel’s genocide.

At the protest, the Gardaí hemmed the protest into a small space. But the protesters broke out and marched nearer the airport terminal blocking roads to it.

The Irish Anti War Movement, the IPSC, Shannonwatch and Roman Shorthall from the Ditch spoke at the rally.  The Ditch has recently exposed that Irish airspace is being used to fly US weaponry to Israel.

The protests at Shannon are a pivotal aspect of the Boycott Israel campaign. We have never been consulted about whether we want Shannon to be used for these murderous ends. In the upcoming general election, People Before Profit is urging that only those candidates who back Palestine and support a boycott of Israel should receive your vote.