An Alternative Ireland is Possible
General Election 2024

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General Election 2024 Manifesto

A Vision For Real Change.

General Election 2024 Manifesto

In one form or another Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael (FFFG) have been in power for 100 years. They have been good for corporations, landlords, vulture funds, big farmers and developers. But the majority have not benefited. They have failed to:

  • Provide affordable housing;
  • Stop rising inequality and protect the many from the Cost of Living Crisis;
  • Provide public services free at the point of delivery;
  • Provide care for those who need it;
  • Cut carbon emissions and protect our biodiversity;
  • Defend our neutrality and protect refugees; and
  • Stand with Palestine.

This election takes places at a time when Ireland has unprecedented wealth. But we also have high levels of homelessness, inequality and deprivation. One in five children are experiencing deprivation. Many households are struggling with cost-of-living increases. Many young people are forced to emigrate. Affordable housing is out of the reach of the many, education is costly when it should be free and childcare costs amount to another mortgage for many households.  Those with additional needs are locked out of basic services, waiting for essential assessments and therapies and even school places. Many disabled people live on or below the poverty line. Hundreds of thousands are on waiting lists for essential medical care.

All of this in spite of the fact that the government has unprecedented resources available to it. The government refuses to go after the wealth which could be used to provide a decent living to the majority of the population. Indeed, it has worked flat out to try and give over €13 billion that is owed to the Irish people to Apple’s shareholders. This shows whose side they are on.

The government has also failed in relation to the Climate and Biodiversity crisis and has not taken the measures which would lead to the cuts in emissions we need to avoid warming in excess of 1.5 degrees and protect our environment. It faces large penalties, which could be over €8 billion up to 2030, through fines and buying carbon credits. These resources could be more usefully spent on taking the action we need to expand renewables, retrofit homes, expand public transport and make it free and to cut the national herd.

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael want to end our neutrality and drag us towards NATO. People Before Profit opposes any efforts to end our neutrality and involve us in military operations through the EU.

The government has talked a rhetoric of concern for Palestine. But they refuse to isolate Israel, stand up to the US support for Israel and give real solidarity with Palestinians. People Before Profit wants to expel the ambassador, boycott events in Washington, ban the sale of Israeli war bonds which is facilitated by the Central Bank and isolate Israel though cutting all diplomatic and economic ties.  We have also called for the end of the use of Shannon to aid the murderous Israeli war machine.

This government has tried to blame our housing crisis on migrants and refugees and has leaned into the narratives of the Far Right.  Unlike other parties People Before Profit has taken a clear stance against the Far Right and racism. The Far Right have nothing to offer working people and only help the establishment deflect attention from the real causes of the problems in our society

It’s time to end the rule of FFFG and radically change Irish society. People Before Profit is the only party that has ruled out going into government with FFFG. Other parties dither and flip flop. They move to the centre and do not rule out going into government with FFFG. It will be to the same old story where nothing really changes. Many others are running as Independents when in fact they, save for a few honorable exceptions, are no different to the establishment parties and will support FFFG at the first opportunity.

We need a left government with a radical agenda for change. While other parties dither we set out the radical action that is needed for fundamental system change. Another Ireland is possible. The resources are there to make it happen. What is missing is the political will. We propose to begin a rapid transformation of Irish society on a scale and at an unprecedented pace that reflects the serious crises we face. People Before Profit wants a 32-county eco-socialist republic where working people control the wealth and the needs of people and the planet come before the profits of the few.

But this requires a different type of politics. People Before Profit does not believe that a few TDs or even a majority of TDs in the Dáil can themselves bring that change. It will require massive people power from below. This is why we encourage working people to organise, to feel their own strength and to push through the changes that are needed. We know that every major reform in Irish society whether it was ending water charges or Repeal, came from mass movement from below. People Before Profit TDs are not conventional politicians but voices of resistance inside the corridors of the Dáil. They raise the issues others ignore. They make a difference.

The first step in bringing about fundamental change will be the formation of Left Government – one that excludes FF and FG. We know, however, from the experience of other countries that such a government must be willing to take the fight to the rich and privileged. Ireland needs a party that fights for workers, the poor and oppressed with all the energy and enthusiasm that FFFG defend the rich.

Voting People Before Profit Number 1 will give a strong indication that people want real change. The kind of radical change set out in this manifesto.