People Before Profit Standing In North’s Local Elections

People Before Profit Standing In North’s Local Elections

May 18th is the date for the Northern elections and People Before Profit will be running candidates in Belfast, Derry, Strabane and Coleraine.

The party is present in left-wing non-sectarian politics in contrast to the Alliance Party which promotes right-wing policies on trade union rights and privatisation.

Throughout the past few months, tens of thousands of workers have been on picket lines, fighting for higher cost of living increases. We have been full in support of this movement and are now urging workers to Strike Back with People Before Profit. There needs to be a clear voice for workers’ rights in the councils.

The DUP will try to use this election to shore up its sectarian base. Their excuse is the protocol but, they do not accept any form of equality. People Before Profit are the most determined opponents of this right-wing, Tory-loving party.

Despite their differences, the mainstream communal parties agree on one issue. They have all voted to increase rates on working people, citing the well-known Thatcherite phrase ‘There is no alternative’.

At a time when costs are rising for working people, People Before Profit says – make the wealthy pay up. Cut out the expensive consultants. Stop privatisation to for-profit companies.