Opening today’s press conference Cllr. Brid Smith announced that People Before Profit is running nine candidates in Dublin, Cork and Wexford in the upcoming General Election: “The People Before Profit Alliance is a real alternative to the political establishment. We support a strategy of ‘people power’ to bring change. We are part of an exciting new force in Irish politics, the United Left Alliance, standing in constituencies across the country to fight for genuine change.” 

People Before Profit candidates are:

  • Cllr. Richard Boyd Barrett Dun Laoghaire
  • Cllr. Joan Collins Dublin South Central
  • Cllr. Gino Kenny Dublin Mid West
  • John Lyons Dublin North Central
  • Nicola Curry Dublin South
  • Annette Mooney Dublin South East
  • Andrew Keegan Dublin North West
  • Seamus O’Brien Wexford
  • Ann Foley Cork North West

Cllr. Richard Boyd Barrett, People Before Profit and United Left Alliance candidate for Dun Laoghaire commented:
“People Before Profit, as part of the United left Alliance, is a real alternative to the mainstream political establishment who are all committed to the same policies of cutbacks and austerity. We want to put the interests of people first by burning the bondholders, ending the bank bailouts and reversing cuts to pay, social welfare and public services. Instead we will invest in jobs, housing, health and education.
“A Fine Gael-Labour ‘alternative’ government led by Enda Kenny will change very little. They will not reverse the cuts. They will continue with the bailouts of the banks and bondholders. They will support an IMF deal that hands control of the economy to unelected, bureaucrats. This strategy is not only unjust it is economic madness.”

Cllr. Joan Collins People Before Profit and United Left Alliance candidate for Dublin South Central added:
“The Fianna Fail-Green government and a golden circle of developers and bankers have wrecked our economy. Yet this government continues to protect the interests of these bankers and super-wealthy individuals who continue to live a life of luxury while ordinary people pay the cost.

“People Before Profit and the United Left Alliance believe that there is an alternative to the economic consensus that dominates mainstream politics. It begins with tearing up the EU/IMF deal, ending the billions of taxpayers money that is being poured into the banks and burning the bondholders. Instead, we need to begin to tax wealth in this country and put an end to the Irish elites and their allergies to paying taxes.”

Cllr. Gino Kenny
People Before Profit and United Left Alliance candidate for Dublin Mid West also commented:
“It is time for a new type of politics in this country. Fianna Fail and the Greens made a political choice to hit out at low and middle-income workers rather than tackle the Irish wealthy or the bondholders. The Universal Social Charge should be called the bankers’ tax. It is a levy imposed on us to pay off bankers and bondholders.
“The main opposition parties, Fine Gael and Labour, can only offer more of the same tired, old-style, crony type poltics. People Before Profit is a real alternative to the political establishment. All our candidates have signed a pledge and are committed to only taking the average industrial wage. The remainder will be donated to campaigns and organisations that put people and communities first.”

For information:
Sinead Kennedy 087-7712160
NOTES: A detailed press pack and notes on all our candidates is available at