People Before Profit Alliance Welcomes Election Of Joe Higgins
Shift To The Left In Local Election Results Confirmed
Time For New Political Force To Offer A Real Alternative
The People Before Profit Alliance today welcomed the election of Joe Higgins to the European Parliament. Joe ran a fantastic campaign and has struck a blow against the political establishment. We extend heartfelt congratulations to Joe and the Socialist Party.
His election confirms the shift to the left in the local elections. Throughout the country people have voted for real change in Irish society.
People Before Profit Councillor Joan Collins said “Joe Higgins is a real fighter for workers and the unemployed. Like the People Before Profit councillors Joe is committed to offering a real alternative to the establishment parties. He is also committed to defending the No Vote to Lisbon. He will be a breath of fresh air in the European Parliament where he will stand up for the rights of ordinary people”.
Newly elected Councillor Richards Boyd Barrett said “The outcome of the election has seen a significant number of independents elected committed to building a new radical political force. The People Before Profit Alliance is committed to working with other liked minded individual and organisations to give political expression to those who want real change.
There is no future for the left in doing deals with parties beholden to big business and failed economic doctrines. We are calling on all those committed to radical change to come together to work for the creation of a real political alternative.
We look forward to working with Joe Higgins, the Socialist Party and other left and independent councillors in fighting the attacks on living standards and services and for the creation of jobs. The need for a united left to fight for a society that puts the need of the many before the profits of the few has never been greater.”
For more information contact Eddie Conlon 087 6775468