Over 200 take part in protest over Crumlin Hospital Cuts

Over 200 take part in protest over Crumlin Hospital Cuts

On 23rd May the Save Our Lady’s Hospital campaign held a protest at ward closures at the hospital. Over 200 people turned out in support of the protest calling for a reversal of the decision.

Councillor Joan Collins, (People Before Profit Alliance candidate in the Crumlin area), said “It is an outrage that the HSE spent €17m on private advisors and spindoctors last year while it will not provide the money to protect our childrens’ health. It is a disgrace that because the State’s largest children’s hospital will not be open for our children this summer. Wards and operating theatres are to be closed because of a €9.6 million short fall yet nearly €17 m is spent on advisors. Spending on advisors has been cut by €150,000 in the last year but Our Lady’s is to have a cut of nearly €10 million.”

Click HERE to watch Councillor Joan Collins of People Before Profit speak about the problem and offers some solutions.

Click HERE to watch Theresa Shallow speaking on Saturday 23rd May at a protest outside Our Lady’e Hospital in Crumlin. Theresa is a co-founder of Save Out Lady’s Childrens Hospital Campaign.

Click HERE to watch Carmel Walsh speak at the protest. Carmel is a parent of a child who is a patient at Crumlin Hospital. She lives in Kilkenny and the cuts of €9.6 million in Crumlin have impacted already on their lives- the fear alone of not knowing if your treatment will be prolonged is devastating to any child and parents have to pick up the pieces.

Click HERE to view RTE News Report on the protest

Protest was organised by Save Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Campaign
