Mlsa Shows The Way

Medical Laboratory Scientists struck in their lab coats in front of hospitals and testing facilities across the country on Wednesday from 8am to 8pm for pay parity with biochemists who do the same job in the same facilities. The action shut down elective care for the day across the south in an precisely planned and well-executed work stoppage ending a twenty year strike drought. More strikes are planned Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
Over 2000 people in Ireland are qualified and actively working in medical laboratories. There should be more but there’s a recruitment shortage due to poor pay – with a notable 8% pay gap between themselves and biochemists which this action should highlight and remedy – and career progression issues. Both have been raised countless times by members conferences and their union leadership but continue because the Department of Public Expenditure has not decided to take action.

These are just the principle two issues.  Despite their reluctance to strike, Minister Donohue’s Department has made strike action unavoidable for Medical Laboratory Scientists in the MLSA (Medical Laboratory Scientists Association, a union under the SIPTU umbrella). Over 1800 Medical Scientists are reported to be in the MLSA.

This was the first strike for most of these workers. It was also only the first day planned of 6 days. Two next week and three in Week 3. If the strike goes to Week 3 with three days of strike action planned ‘Believe me (the operation of the hospital system) will get very difficult.’ one worker said. Today’s strike had a massive effect on operations in the healthcare system. It also proved that workers with their hands in their pockets have more power to change the world than any other force.  The government is using all their power to stop workers getting the increases they need. It’s right that these workers are fighting. The workers in the MLSA are leading the way.