People Before Profit Alliance says Low and Middle Earners to be hammered while corporations get off scott free
Report of the Commission on Taxation
The People Before Profit Alliance today said that any attempt to load new taxes onto hard pressed low and middle incomes earners would be resisted.
Councillor Joan Collins said “It seems clear from an initial analysis of the report that most of the pain arising from the report will be applied to those on low and middle incomes. There are no proposals to increase corporation or capital gains taxes.
PAYE workers are already reeling from new taxes imposed in the last three budgets. Now more taxes are to loaded onto them. Its not at all clear that the super rich in this country are being asked to pay their fair share”.
Councillor Richard Boyd Barrett said “The Commission states that it wishes to keep the overall tax take low even though we have one of the lowest tax to GDP ratio in Europe. We cannot keep the overall tax take low if we want decent public services. We say that the super rich in this country need to be taxed heavily to pay for the economic crisis they created”.
Councillor Brid Smyth said “In the past we have been to the fore in fighting double taxation and will mobilise local communities against the unjust imposition of local charges. The people we represent are to face water charges, a carbon tax, a so-called property tax and cuts in child benefit. Its time to say enough is enough. The government needs to understand that ordinary people have had enough and will not roll over in the face of massive cuts arising from Bord Snip and hugh tax increases coming from this report”
For more information: Eddie Conlon 087 6775468