People Before Profit is an eco-socialist 32 county party. We want to truly transform Irish society and build a 32-county socialist republic that genuinely puts people before profit.

At the next general election we need to elect a Left Government that will build affordable houses, bring vacant homes back into use and make public housing available to all. It will control and reduce rents and ban vulture funds. It will tax the rich to fund quality health and education services for all, nationalise the energy system to drive a rapid transition to 100% renewable energy and provide free and frequent public transport countrywide, to cut living costs and reduce our carbon emissions.

The first step in doing so will be to get rid of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael.

Many councils across the country are dominated by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. They have failed to deliver on housing and worsened public services. A deliberate game of pass the parcel is set up so that the national government run by Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael blame local councils for lack of social housing. These in turn blame the government. Meanwhile thousands languish on the housing list for years.

We should use the local elections to pay back Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Greens for all of their policies since they got back into power. They lifted the Eviction Ban which saw homelessness skyrocket while at the same they have given tax breaks to big landlords. Their housing plans have failed to provide people with homes but have been very successful in enriching landlords and developers. 

We need to use the local elections to deliver a clear message to the establishment parties. We need to vote for radical change. People Before Profit is the only party that will not enter coalition with Fianna Fáil or Fine Gael. At local councils we will not vote for Mayors from the establishment parties. We will not engage in horse trading for positions with extra pay.

We need to elect left councils which put the needs of people over the needs of big business, and are willing to challenge whoever is in government on issues like housing and funding for local services. Councils that will put people’s needs first and stand up to the government. A left council that will fight central government for extra central funding to build homes and provide services. We will only vote for budgets that provide better services but do not impose extra household property taxes. If the government does not accept such budgets or threatens to disband councils – as they have done in the past – we shall mobilise people power to oppose them.

To read our full manifesto click here, or on the image below.