John Cahill

Tullow Municipal District

I grew up and live in Tullow and have spent the last few years campaigning on local issues in Tullow and Carlow. I was born and raised in Ardattin, Tullow. I work as a Senior Social Care Worker in an Autism specific respite service called Autism Initiatives. I have many years experience in various professional roles and committees, I have previously served as a County Councillor and I have served on the board of Carlow Kilkenny ETB.

I currently work in social care, where I manage a busy respite service for adults with autism and intellectual disabilities. I am a strong advocate for both people with disabilities and their families who support them.

If elected I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support students and young people, stand in solidarity with workers fighting for housing, fair pay and public services.

Elect a fighting socialist to Carlow County Council. Vote CAHILL #1

Cllr Adrienne Wallace

Carlow Municipal District

Cllr Adrienne Wallace, a dedicated community and housing activist, was elected to Carlow council in 2019. In that time she has stuck to her mandate for change. She has also been steadfast in protecting the local environment & biodiversity.

She says “It has been an honour to represent the people of Carlow. I’ve helped residents with issues large & small. As your Councillor, I have held Fianna Fáil & Fine Gael to account on the big issues and still passed measures to improve our locality & your lives.

With a firm belief in worker solidarity, she supported Council and ESB workers, rallying for stronger trade unions.


As a Carer myself fighting for improved services for people with disabilities is a huge priority for me.”


Shane Laird

Cork City South Central

My name is Shane Laird.I have lived here in Cork City for 16 years. I got involved with politics at a young age when my parents took me to protests against the Iraq war. I saw the power of mass movements. I was involved in the referendum for gay marriage.

I have been active in opposing the government’s effort to undermine Irish neutrality. I have campaigned to protect workers rights, fight the rising cost of living and protect public spaces. When the far right held a number of rallies outside of the Cork library, I joined the wider community in Cork countered them.

I am running in the June 2024 local elections to be a strong representative for the people of Cork City South Central. I will fight against the scourge of dereliction and for public housing for all, against the political class and landlords. I will work to improve our city’s public transport system to work for commuters and transport workers alike. Finally, I want to help make Cork become a city for all who live here.


Elect a fighting socialist to Cork City Council. Vote LAIRD #1

Rola Abu Zeid-O’Neill

Cobh Municipal Area

It would be a great honour to represent the people of Cobh if I am elected in June 2024. I am a Palestinian who was born and raised in Nazareth. I moved to Cork in 2007, and I have used my skills to integrate within Cork and Irish society.

I am an academic and community development professional who works with many diverse communities, especially ones more marginalised and disadvantaged.

I decided it was the correct time to run in this coming election, driven by my commitment to the unique diversity of Ireland, and to the future of my children and the coming generations.

I will prioritise local issues, including school places, local transport, healthcare, the environment, the housing crisis, childcare, and the many other topics that affect our daily lives.


If elected I will defend the vulnerable, support parents with young children, parents of children with extra needs and abilities, young people, and fight to put people before profit.

Cllr Kelsey May Daly

South West Inner City

I was proud to be co-opted onto Dublin City Council last September when Tina MacVeigh stood down to take care of a family member.

I got involved in politics after being homeless for over a year. I have experienced at first-hand the failure of the government to provide affordable housing for all. While I initially studied Poetry I changed careers after witnessing the impact of the housing crisis.

I now work as an educator in Ballyfermot Youthreach with vulnerable teenagers. Having been through the Youthreach system myself I know how important it is to give young people a second chance at education.

I have been at the forefront of campaigns locally and nationally to address the Cost of Living Crisis and improve services locally.

Re-elect a fighting socialist to Dublin City Council. Vote DALY #1

Cllr Hazel De Nortúin


I’ve been a Councillor for Ballyfermot-Drimnagh for seven years. It has been a privilege representing the area I grew up in.

I am proud to have been at the forefront of People Before Profit’s campaigns both locally and nationally, such as the fight against the water charges, to repeal the 8th Amendment and the movement for public housing.

I have successfully fought for a dedicated D10 Domestic Violence Liaison worker and funding for research on local domestic violence services. I helped establish an Irish language playschool, and we’re now fighting for a Gaelscoil. I was a founding member of BARN – the Ballyfermot Anti-Racist Network.

If elected I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support students and young people, stand in solidarity with workers fighting for housing, fair pay and public services.


Re-elect a fighting socialist to Dublin City Council. Vote DE NORTÚIN #1

Andrew Keegan


Andrew is a housing and trade union activist from Artane. Andrew attended St David’s before becoming an apprentice carpenter. He holds a BSC honours in Environmental Studies and now teaches within the construction industry.

Andrew served as a councillor for Ballymun-Finglas from 2014 to 2019. Andrew worked in the construction industry while a councillor. He was on the Housing Committee, Environment Committee and a Council representative on the Board of the CDETB bringing his construction education experience.

He is a trade union activist and a shop steward for his workplace. He, with his colleagues, established the campaigning page “Building Workers Know Your Rights” to convince construction workers to join a union and get active in construction workplace reform.

“If elected I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support students and young people, stand in solidarity with workers fighting for housing, fair pay and public services”.

Elect a fighting socialist to Dublin City Council. Vote Keegan #1

Shay L’Estrange


Crumlin native Shay is acutely aware of the challenges facing people in the area. Educated at Clogher Road VEC, Shay completed a master’s degree in sociology at Maynooth University.

Shay’s commitment to community work, volunteering, and political activism spans more than 35 years. As a youth coach and administrator, he negotiated with Dublin City Council for multiple improvements to sports facilities in the area.

Shay became politically active through the role he played during the water charges protests in the Crumlin area. He describes how he met an amazing group of community activists who showed that people power works. Following on from the successful water charges protest, he has been involved in housing campaigns locally and nationally.


Elect a fighting socialist to Dublin County Council. Vote L’ESTRANGE #1

Clara McCormack


I grew up on the northside, and have been active in grassroots movements such as BDS, Palestine solidarity, Take Back The City, housing campaigns, Repeal, LGBTQ+ rights, anti-racism, refugee solidarity, and climate justice.
My generation is being forced to emigrate by the housing & cost of living crisis, caused by decades of Fianna Fáil-Fine Gael policy supported by Labour and the Greens. I joined People Before Profit because it offers an alternative to the right-wing establisment.
We can build an alternative, united Ireland where housing and public services are genuinely affordable and accessible.
Vote People Before Profit No.1 this June

Mary Martin


I’m a visual artist from Ranelagh. I attended the local Gaelscoil and I’m passionate about Irish language and culture.

I joined People Before Profit after returning from art college abroad when I saw friends, family and people from around the country being forced to emigrate for work and better quality of life, an ever growing statistic of nationals and immigrants being locked into homelessness and social housing tenants being disregarded by the council for minor and major issues to rectify in their homes.

I’m an active member in my local People Before Profit branch and have campaigned for full Palestinian liberation, BDS, housing, immigration rights and anti-racism.

I believe People Before Profit are a party for all and support local communities rather than our current government that exploit essential workers, have destroyed the public sector and have exasperated Ireland having the worst biodiversity in the EU.

Bernard Mulvany


Bernard is a full time carer and has been actively involved in the disability and caring movement for 10 years.

He has been very involved in fighting for the rights of workers, most notably the Debenhams workers, and last summer he spent the entire summer on the picket line supporting Iceland workers for their entitlements.

He first ran for for council in 2019 and received over 700 first preference votes. He followed that with a run in the General Election in 2020 where he finished 8th in the 5 seater in Dublin Bay North.

He co-founded the disability rights campaign Access 4 All and won a huge victory in the inclusion of upgrading of all the lifts to train stations across Ireland in the program for government.

“If elected I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support students and young people, stand in solidarity with workers fighting for fair pay and protect vital services”.

“I will use my platform to challenge hypocrisy; hold main parties, energy bosses and government officials to account; and fight to put people before profit. Thank you for your support”.

Elect a fighting socialist to Dublin City Council. Vote Mulvany #1

Eoghan Ó Ceannabháin

North Inner City

Eoghan is an activist, musician, Psychology graduate and native Irish speaker. He is a member of CATU (Community Action Tenants’ Union) and United Against Racism.

Eoghan played a key role in the campaign to save the Cobblestone pub in Smithfield. He believes the housing crisis and the loss of cultural space in the city are caused by the same profit-driven approach that has failed ordinary people.

Eoghan believes in an eco-socialist approach to the environmental crisis, that takes on the major polluting corporations and improves the lives of ordinary people. To do this, we need to build people power movements to fight for change.


“If elected I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support students and young people, stand in solidarity with workers fighting for housing, fair pay and protect vital services”.

Brigid Purcell

South Inner City

Brigid Purcell is a young community activist and worker from Ringsend. In 2021 she ran in the Dublin Bay South by-election to fight for renters, workers rights, decent public services and the environment.

Since then she has played a role in a number of local campaigns – from the Cost of Living Coalition to the liberation of Palestine to protecting Dublin Bay against pollution.

Dublin City is not meeting its potential due to nearly 20 years of austerity. The South Inner City is consistently left behind and needs a principled socialist voice in council to fight for it. Brigid can be that voice.

“If elected I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support students and young people, stand in solidarity with workers fighting for housing, fair pay and public services”.

t. 085 185 1183

Conor Reddy


Conor is a community and housing activist from Ballygall. Conor went to school in Sacred Heart and St. Kevin’s. He is a PhD researcher in Immunology at Trinity College Dublin, working to understand how stress and trauma negatively impacts the health of homeless people.

He has been a key activist in the housing and environmental movements – playing a leading role in Take Back the City, Raise the Roof and the National Homeless and Housing Coalition. He has supported workers from Debenhams, ESB and across the Trade Union movement. He is founder and president of PWO Ireland, a union for PhD researchers.

Conor was the People Before Profit candidate for Dublin North West in the 2020 General Election, finishing in fourth place, ahead of former Fine Gael TD Noel Rock as the youngest candidate in the race.

“If elected, I will use my seat to defend the vulnerable, to support students, young people and to stand in solidarity with workers fighting for housing, fair pay and decent public services”.

Léna Seale


Léna is an activist with years of experience in grassroots activism for housing, working class movements and Palestine solidarity. She believes in uniting communities through fair distribution of resources for all.

Her goal is to build for a 32 county socialist republic of Ireland with equal rights for all, kicking out foreign vulture funds & mega capitalists to share the wealth of the top 10% to the rest of us.

Léna prioritises fighting for adequate housing and resources for all the people of Ireland. She is passionate about preserving Irish neutrality and the global anti-colonial movement. She fights for equal rights for all from the LGBTI+ community to travellers to asylum seekers. She has demonstrated her dedication by organising with groups like CATU, D7 For All, Save Our Neutrality, Raise The Roof, Action For Palestine Ireland and United Against Racism.

Some of the campaigns Léna is currently active on include reporting derelict properties, Justice for Terence Wheelock and the global Palestine solidarity movement.

Elect a fighting socialist to Dublin City Council. Vote SEALE #1

Cllr Melisa Halpin

Dún Laoghaire

Melisa has been a councillor since 2011, campaigning for social and affordable housing, resources and facilities for communities, proper public consultation to build sustainable communities.

Her record:

  • Campaigning against evictions at St Helen’s Court – The apartment complex will now be social housing
  • Supporting Monkstown Boxing Club’s campaign for a new clubhouse which is now under construction
  • Campaigning for the redevelopment of the Baths site
  • Fighting for the harbour to come under council control and opposing the selling off of the old ferry terminal
  • Demanding proper public consultation as the ONLY way to build sustainable communities

Re-Elect a fighting socialist to Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. Vote HALPIN #1

Dave O’Keeffe


Dave O’Keeffe was born and lives in Ballybrack. Dave was key to the successful Water Charges campaign in the Dún Laoghaire area helping to build the mass protests.

As a longtime activist and former councillor, Dave has worked with Richard Boyd Barrett on many campaigns, from housing to disability rights. He has campaigned against the Genocide in Gaza, and previously played a leading role during Repeal in the Dún Laoghaire Together for Yes, campaigned for marriage equality and worked with Extinction Rebellion to tackle the environmental crisis.

Dave’s activism shows his dedication to creating a more inclusive, sustainable, and fair society.

Elect a fighting socialist to Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown County Council. Vote O’KEEFFE #1

Cian Mac Aonghusa


Cian Mac Aonghusa has been a dedicated activist in Blackrock and Dún Laoghaire over the past decade.

He has been active in building campaigns and protests demanding more public and affordable housing, believing the way out of the housing crisis is a mass movement of young and working people who call Ireland their home.

He is very actively involved in the current protest movement against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Previously campaigned for Repeal in the Dún Laoghaire Together for Yes, as well as marriage equality.

Cian played a leading role in the Student Climate Strike movement both nationally and in his school, Newpark Comprehensive.

Elect a fighting socialist to Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown County Council. Vote MAC AONGHUSA #1

Bryn Edwards


This is my first time running in the local elections. I want to be a new voice on the council representing the interests of ordinary people.

I am committed to prioritising care for people over profit. We need an increase in state-provided and not-for-profit services for children, older people and those with disabilities.

I believe our council can play a huge role in tackling the key problems many people face such as childcare costs, childcare places and school transport.

My generation has also been locked out of home ownership, while other families face soaring rents and high mortgages. Families with young children are facing homelessness.

I have led campaigns in Fingal on housing, standing alongside families facing evictions. I have campaigned for better conditions for tenants in the private market and local authority accommodation.


I believe that everyone who lives here belongs here. I have been a part of campaigns against racism and supported the Ireland for All marches. I stand with all workers fighting for better pay and conditions and union recognition.

Andrew Doyle


Andrew Doyle is originally from the Liberties but has been living in Dublin 15 since the early 2000s. Finishing school in 2004 Andrew returned to education as a mature student in 2015. Andrew studied at Maynooth University, graduating in 2018 with a First Class Honours degree in English and Philosophy. At Maynooth, Andrew was actively involved in on campus actions in support of the Repeal the 8th referendum.

In 2021, Andrew received a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from UCD. In 2023, Andrew became more active locally, protesting the genocide occuring in Palestine.

Andrew Doyle is passionate about ending the housing crisis in Dublin, having personally emigrated twice to work as an English teacher in Spain. 

Ollie Power


Ollie is a working class socialist who fights for ordinary people, not for landlords, the wealthy or their representatives in government political parties.

He is a housing activist. He has led campaigns in Swords and Balbriggan, successfully preventing multiple families from being evicted. He has taken cases to the RTB, engaged with Fingal CC and Department of Housing and taken on multi-billion Euro vulture fund landlords..

As a Secondary School Teacher in a DEIS school he sees every day the ruinous effects that capitalism has on the lives of young people, especially those from working class, Traveller and immigrant backgrounds.

He is a trade unionist who has defended workers in Adult Education, Retail, Water Services, Firefighters.

“If elected I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support students and young people, stand in solidarity with workers fighting for housing, fair pay and public services”.


Adrian Curran

Galway City Centre

Adrian is a community and housing activist from Westside and living in Tirellan. He is a mature student at University of Galway, in final year of studying Economics, Sociology & Politics. Prior to returning to education, he worked in a medical devices factory for a decade.

He has been a key activist in Galway campaigns on housing, cost of living, environmental issues and workers’ rights. He has supported workers on strike and tenants facing eviction.

In order to fight back, we need to build people power. If elected, Adrian will use his platform to fight for change.

“If elected I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support students and young people, stand in solidarity with workers fighting for housing, fair pay and public services.”

Maisie Mc Master

Galway City West

Coming soon…

Denman Rooke

Galway City East

Andrew Mannion


My name is Andrew Mannion and I’m standing as the People Before Profit Candidate for the Ballinasloe district in the upcoming local elections in June.

I was born and raised in Ballinasloe, I’ve worked in the town for most of my adult life and now work as a support worker with the Brothers of Charity in Ballinasloe.

Currently, I live in rented accommodation in Athlone due to the poor availability of adequate housing in the town.

I’m acutely aware of the issues facing young people and workers that have been brought about by failure on the part of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil governments to tackle the housing and cost-of-living crisis.

Through my own personal experience organising workers into a union and going out on strike for union recognition, it’s clear that workers cannot wait for their employers or the government to do right by them. We need to organise and fight for the change we want to see!

Elect a fighting socialist to Galway County Council. Vote MANNION #1

Kevin Shore


Coming soon…

RuairÍ Fahy

City North

Ruairí is a housing and environmental activist who has successfully defended families against illegal evictions, organised workers in trade unions and tackled corporations trying to dump polluting industries across the mid-west which threaten both our health and a livable future for our children.

With people having less and less say over their lives he wants to use the council to not only give a voice to the powerless but to help give them tools to stand up for themselves to win a better world

“If elected I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support students and young people, stand in solidarity with workers fighting for housing, fair pay and public services.”

Dave Smyth


I’m a broadcast engineer and I live in Newtownforbes village with my wife Barbara. We have three adult children aged 27, 22 and 18. I have experienced all the challenges faced by our young people directly and I am all too aware of the underlying problems that decades of neglect by Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have brought to Longford with their fondness for merely playing lip service to the real issues, while working hard to keep their wealthy friends happy at the expense of wider society -> the rest of us!

I have been politically active for over 30 years and a member of People Before Profit for 8 years. I have been involved in organising and supporting many local & national campaigns on everything from water charges to Marriage equality and Repeal of the 8th ammendment.

If you would like to see me elected, I will need your number 1 vote because I will not get transfers from the big parties. If elected, I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support young people, stand in solidarity with workers, fight for real housing solutions that work and proper public services for all.

Longford County Council needs a shake-up. Vote Dave SMYTH Number ONE on June 7th

James Hickey

Dundalk South

My name is James Hickey and I will be running for People Before Profit in the Local Elections 2024.

I am 25 and moved up to Dundalk in 2018 for college and have been here ever since. I studied Film and Television Production in DKIT. I’m currently working in the Film and TV industry as a freelancer.

I remember the crash of 2008 and remember it was ordinary people who paid for it. Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, propped up by the Greens and Labour, have been a travesty for ordinary people. The Cost of Living Crisis pushed me to stand as a candidate. Establishment political parties are doing nothing to combat the issue.

I want to give the people of Dundalk South a choice of a truly progressive, Left-wing voice on the Council.

If I am elected, I will prioritise workers and young people. I will represent those overlooked by politics. I will not represent big business, I will represent the workers. I will not represent Landlords, I will represent tenants.

Elect a fighting socialist to Louth County Council. Vote HICKEY #1

Joe Daly


I am a local secondary school teacher in St. Gerald’s College Castlebar and a native of Castlebar.

As an Elected Trade Union Representative for the ASTI:

  • I have been active on the central executive council for my union for the past 6 years.
  •  I have been on strike numerous times not only for better pay and conditions but to protect students from vicious austerity cuts in education since 2008.

I have a Proven Track Record as a Principled Working Class Activist involved in campaigns such as:

  • Palestine Solidarity Actions in Mayo Anti-Water 
  • Charges Campaign in Castlebar 
  • Together For Yes Repeal of the 8th Referendum Campaign Housing, Cost of Living, Climate Change, Anti-Racism. 
  • Solidarity with Workers on strike eg. Nurses, PNA, Firefighters, Solidarity rallies in the struggle against the racist agitators

Emma Hendrick


Emma Hendrick lives in Sligo with her partner and their children.  She relocated to Sligo in 2020. Emma was previously a Councillor for People Before Profit on South Dublin County Council. She used her position to build local campaigns and improve the lives of ordinary people. 

As a member of the Housing Strategic Policy Committee, Emma fought to bring extra Council land into public use. She also ensured the Council was proactive in turning around void properties and supported local homeless people with their housing needs. 
Emma also mobilised local communities to improve their services. She led a campaign to secure a health facility and successfully stopped buses being removed from a local area. Emma also convened the Repeal the 8th campaign in Dublin South West during 2018.

Gino O’Boyle


Gino O’Boyle  is a community activist and worker from the Fonthill area of Sligo. In 2015 he was co-opted onto the council after the passing of his late father Seamie.
In 2019, he was successfully re-elected in the Sligo-Standhill electoral area and has fought on many issues including social and affordable housing. He opposed the council rent increase and the property tax.
He has been consistently fighting for better community and health services.
He has played a key role in a number of local campaigns such as the Cost of Living campaign and the Sligo Palestine Solidarity Campaign and has been a voice for the victims of the Mother and Babies Homes.


Darragh Adelaide


I have lived in Clondalkin my whole life, attending Coláiste Chilliain in Clondalkin Village. I became an activist after seeing the negative effects of years of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael austerity. Our communities in Clondalkin, Rathcoole, Newcastle, Saggart, and Brittas are fast-growing, but local and national government have failed to ensure that there are enough services, school places and housing for everyone.

I have been campaigning against dereliction, and against vulture funds buying up much-needed homes in our communities. I have fought for the council and government to tax big corporations to fund our services. I was an active member of the ‘Cost of Living Coalition’ which organised protests of thousands of people against government inaction. As a fluent Gaeilgeoir, I am also an advocate for Irish language rights.

If elected to the council I will use the platform to continue fighting for housing and local services.

Elect a fighting socialist to South Dublin County Council. Vote ADELAIDE #1

Philomena Foster


I first got active in politics in fighting against the bin charges. I believe that people power can deliver change.

I was a leading local activist in the movement against the water charges. I was also part of the Together4Yes campaign which delivered a massive vote for Repeal and abortion rights in this area.

I’m a former shop steward in Peter Mark’s and was proud to stand with the Debenhams workers during their strike. 

I supported the Save Knocklyon Park campaign and think it’s vital that we protect biodiversity. I have also been involved in fighting for redress for those affected by apartment defects. 


Cllr Madeleine Johansson


Madeleine Johansson is a dedicated activist and has been a councillor since 2016, being re-elected in 2019. She is a prominent voice for housing rights. Amidst facing eviction herself, she led successful campaigns to Compulsory Purchase derelict sites for conversion into homes, while organizing fellow tenants against mass evictions.

Her council advocacy spans from local amenity enhancements to global solidarity movements like Palestine. She’s a staunch defender of workers’ rights, supporting Liffey Valley staff against parking fees, security officers for fair pay and against bogus self-employment in the construction industry.

She successfully proposed a ban on new data centres in South Dublin, but this decision was overturned by the government. She sits on the board of North Clondalkin Community Development Programme and Clondalkin Drugs & Alcohol Task Force.

Kay Keane

Tallaght South

I’m a community activist and live in Kiltalown. I first became active locally during the protests against the bin charges.

I helped to organise my community against the water charges and in the #JobstownNotGuilty campaign. I was also part of the Together4Yes campaign which delivered a 75% vote for abortion rights in Dublin South West.

I’m a former shop steward and was proud to stand with the Debenhams workers during their strike. 

I recently led the campaign for investment in Kiltalown Park and am happy to see the work finally starting.

Connor Kelly


I’m a 28 year old who is a victim of the housing crisis. I’m spending €1,500 a month for a small one bed apartment with my partner. More than 50% of my monthly wage goes towards rent alone. That’s before considering any other bills.

None of my friends have any hope of being able to buy a home. Lots of them have been forced to emigrate.

That’s why I joined People Before Profit and got active in trying to fight for housing and climate action, for a future for my generation.

I’m also a member of ‘Love Rovers Hate Racism’. I think it’s vital that we stand up against those who want to spread hatred and fear.

Mark Kerins


I am a Care Worker who became involved in activism after seeing the effects of the cuts to services and austerity enacted by Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil on the people I support.

I have campaigned for equality and justice for workers as a Trade Union activist. I am involved in campaigns on housing, the Cost of Living Crisis and have been an advocate for health and disability rights.

Palestinian solidarity is an important issue to me and in Lucan I have organised public meetings and protests. We need to have radical socialist voices on the Council to challenge the political establishment.

“If elected I will continue to defend the vulnerable, support students and young people, stand in solidarity with workers fighting for housing, fair pay and public services.”

Jess Spear

Tallaght Central

In 2017, I moved from Seattle to Kingswood in Tallaght. In Seattle, I was an organiser of a successful campaign for a $15 an hour minimum wage. 

In Ireland, I have been an active trade unionist, helping to organise my workplace and supporting the Debenhams workers. I campaigned for abortion rights. As a former climate scientist, I have been particularly active in fighting for eco-socialist change. 

Locally, I  helped establish the campaign to make Watergate Park a safe place. This won the installation of lights, more bins and family picnic benches. I have also led the campaign for a zebra crossing on Sylvan Drive in Kingswood.



Patrick Curtin

Waterford City South

I have lived in Waterford City since 2016 from Cork to study in W.I.T. Ever since then I have called Waterford home. I have worked in several different areas from coaching to retail along with volunteering with different groups.

I have been involved in a wide range of political campaigns from housing to education. I am an advocat for mental health as there is a lack of services in Waterford and it’s a growing issue.

In 2022 I became the first SU President of the S.E.T.U Students’ Union on the Waterford campus. I represented over 10,000 students at all levels from local to national level in areas such as accommodation, rent, cost of living, college fees, finances and much more.

With the experience I have gained over the years I want to put that to work to help Waterford, give it the representation it deserve and deliver the change that is needed.

Aisling Hudson


Aisling Hudson’ political journey sprang from the housing and healthcare crises. Although homeless, with health problems, she returned to education in 2018, graduating first in her class, majoring in social policy and sociology. 

“From my background I see obvious solutions to common social problems.

I have strongly campaigned for universal housing and mental health services, safe access to cannabis and other drugs to reduce deaths, a complete review of Irish/European migration policies, and against the current genocide in Gaza.

I will continue to fight for the exploited, and against the super-rich, because profiteers have no place in any sustainable society.”

Lorraine Farrell


Lorraine has lived in Arklow all her life and is a mother of a young family. She understands the challenges of working mothers in Ireland today and is passionate about fighting for equal rights in our schools. She plans to focus her energy on fighting for special needs facilities and positions, universal access to mental health services, proper dental care for all and, of course, housing for all at affordable rates with security of tenure. As the government implement cutback after cutback, Lorraine is determined to bring working-class peoples’ voices to any table she gets access to.
In previous campaigns, Lorraine knocked on every door in Arklow, advocating for women’s right to choose and again on marriage equality. Equality is close to Lorraine’s heart, making her a perfect election candidate for People Before Profit.

Frank Hayes

Bray East

Frank Hayes studied architecture and has worked as a draughtsman and in later years a professional musicians. He retired seven years ago.
He  has been a life long socialist activist since the 1960s and has fought against inequality most of his life.

Kellie McConnell


It would be an honour to represent the people of Greystones, Delgany, Kilcoole, Newcastle and Killadreenan.

Arriving in Greystones in 2017, my introduction to this wonderful community was canvassing to Repeal the Eighth Amendment. Recently, I’ve been actively campaigning to end homelessness with the Community Action Tenants Union (CATU), working with United Against Racism Wicklow, and North Wicklow Against Genocide. As a general dentist and ecosocialist, I have a strong understanding of the failures of government in healthcare, housing and the climate crisis. 

I am committed to doing everything in my power to improve services for everyone. I’m eager to do more work in:

Dental, Reproductive & Neurodiversity Services.

Environmentally-conscious housing & matching infrastructure.

Climate Action.

Public transport frequency & quality.

Let’s make changes together for the community in which we live!

Anthony McNulty


I moved to Parkbridge in Wicklow 20 years ago and found a place and people that are now deeply rooted in my heart. I am a qualified Master Medical Herbalist and work as a builder. I am deeply committed to the community; I am the former trainer for the Shillelagh First Responders group, I train adults through community education, and I developed the DIY for Women Programme.

I play an active role for many years on the Parents Council of St. Brigid’s Primary School in Clonegal. I am the founding chairperson of Protect Moylisha Hill. We are committed to protecting Moylisha from lithium mining.

I trained as a farm manager with the Farm Apprenticeship Board. I understand the difficulties in farming today, the rising costs, the deeper time demands, the monopoly of markets, the devaluing by large chain supermarkets of Irish produce and the ever changing weather patterns.

I will fight hard for small farmers, pushing back against the large scale industrialisation of farming.