Candidates Pledge

If Elected People Before Profit Councillors Pledge To:

  1. Vote against the election of  Fine Gael/Fianna Fáil Mayors
  2. Work to clear the housing lists and build social housing. Stop developers building up land banks to create dearer homes. Impose stiff charges on vacant homes and building land. End the scandal of homelessness.
  3. Demand greater investment in housing, retrofitting and maintenance: People Before Profit wants a State Construction Company to work with councils to build tens of thousands of new houses and retrofit hundreds of thousands of homes.
  4. Fight for more council staff so that we have decent local services.
  5. Demand an end to charges for waste collection: Bring waste collection back into public ownership
  6. Vote against cuts to services. Impose a tourist tax to help fund better services. Increase the rates on big multi-nationals.
  7. Vote against increased taxes and charges for the public: abolish the Property Tax
  8. Oppose privatisation. No unnecessary tenders for private companies, especially those that do not give union rights,
  9. Demand a greater say for you in what happens in your community.
  10. Provide a voice for those fighting for better services: we will organise and support campaigns for better services
  11. Treat council tenants with respect. We want an independent appeal board to hear about council neglect on repairs. No council homes to be left vacant for more than a month.
  12. Campaign to make local Councils apartheid-free zones by breaking any diplomatic ties with Israel, rejecting any investment or procurement relationship that involves companies who help Israel to violate Palestinian rights.
  13. Stand up to racism and the scapegoating of refugees.