John Lyons- Your People Before Profit candidate for Dublin North Central

This December’s budget has once again attacked the majority of working class people. We have had two years of austerity measures, with social welfare, health, education and public sector spending all savagely reduced. And now we have it again: social welfare cut by 8 per week; child benefit cut by 10 per month; carer’s allowance cut again.

And what have all these austerity measures achieved? The economic situation is now worse then ever, with nearly half a million people unemployed; the International Monetary Fund is here and the total cost for the bank bailout rises ever higher, with billions more of our money being squandered with every passing week. This December’s budget has cut €6 billion off hospitals, schools, benefits and other public services whilst letting those earning huge sums of money off the hook…again

This is unacceptable – it makes the ordinary people in our community, the workers, the unemployed, the old and the young, pay for the crimes and mistakes of the super rich and their politician friends. THEY have destroyed this country yet they swan around with their Mercs and percs, their vast salaries and wealth untouched. We say that it is time that the wealthy pay for the crisis that they created.

There Is An Alternative!

Fianna Fail, the Green Party, Fine Gael and the Labour Party are all in agreement that the ordinary people of Ireland must pay for the financial devastation caused by the Irish rich. Sinn Fein may say that they are against cuts but, as we have seen in the North of Ireland, once in government they are more than willing to implement savage cuts. None of the political parties are willing to tax the wealthy at an appropriate level. The People Before Profit Alliance is committed to fighting for a fairer and more equal Ireland and, as part on the exciting, new United Left Alliance (ULA) will present to the people a real economic alternative to the failed policies of all the mainstream political parties. This can only happen if we stand together and fight back. We do not accept that we should pay for their crisis. In the general election John will campaign for these policies:

• Stop bailing out the banks: Let the financial speculators suffer for their greed

• Tax the rich – introduce a wealth tax on assets exceeding €500,000; tax all income over €100,000 at 70 per cent

• Increase government spending to create a public works programme & get people back to work

• Nationalise Ireland’s vast natural resources, given away to Shell – €450 billion worth of offshore oil and gas

• Prosecute the corrupt bankers and politicians


Contact Details:

Mobile number 087-7729292

Email [email protected]

My facebook page search “John Lyons to The Dail”

The United Left Alliance (ULA) is comprised of the People Before Profit Alliance, the Socialist Party, Tipperary Workers & Unemployed Action Group and others.