Every Labour Election Pledge A Lie

People Before Profit Councillor Shaun Harkin hits out at plans by the British Government to slash disability benefits.

Every Labour Election Pledge A Lie

Labour's blatant betrayal of every promise they made during the Westminster election is a disgusting slap in the face for all those who voted for change. 

Harkin said, 'Their manifesto was filled with grand promises of support and solidarity, but their actions have proven to be nothing more than empty words.

Labour pledged to ensure that no one would have to choose between heating their homes and feeding their families. 

Yet, they slashed winter fuel payments leaving the most vulnerable out in the cold.'

Labour's 'commitment' to social justice is clear from its actions to cut disability benefits, and push disabled individuals further into poverty and hardship, stripping away their dignity and independence.

Harkin said, 'This is not about helping people into work, this is about punishing the vulnerable, to facilitate an economy that is designed to put more and more of society's wealth into the hands of corporate profiteers and billionaires. Labour claimed that 'Tory Austerity' was over. Now Starmer is ramping up the pressure on the poor while protecting the wealth of the one percent. 

'Instead of slashing vital welfare programs, to fund the British War Machine, they should be building the kind of society they promised voters. We need money for welfare, not warfare. The billions spent on military endeavors could be better used to support our communities, improve public services, and ensure a decent standard of living for all.It's time to tax the wealthiest in our society, not attack the poor.

'This Labour Government has spent even more time demonising refugees and beating the drums for war than their Tory predecessors.' 

Labour are utterly disgraceful.

People Before Profit will fight for peace over war, for the vulnerable and not the powerful. Stormont politicians must be prepared to fight and reject this new war on the disabled. Executive Parties need to start functioning as a bulwark of resistance to Westminster, like our MLA Gerry Carroll has done for 9 years. We don't need facilitators for Labour or Tory policies here. We need push back.