’A reformed construction industry can build a more equal society for all families and communities.’’
Andrew Keegan (People Before Profit candidate, Dublin North West)
Campaign Demands
- Expand school building programmes
- Increase grant aid to retrofit insulating housing stock
- Assist construction families in debt
- Let apprentices finish their training
- Provide open access to retraining
- Dail representation on a workers wage
With thousands of families losing their main wage earner, due to the collapse of the construction industry, they see themselves on the bread line in debt and unable to provide for food and a roof over their heads. With no organisation dedicated to resolve these problems the Construction Industry Federation’s solution, to introduce the minimum wage and roll back wages and conditions on site for the remaining construction workers employed.
An industry that was badly led and corrupt has caused misery for thousands, including architects, engineers and construction managers, no group of employees have been untouched but the hardest hit the lower wage earners who’s dole entitlements are now running out, their families need help and hope of a return to a normal life with a future.
- Establish a viable industry, no to boom bust cycle.
- Proper conditions, pay and training
- CIF role investigated, remove large company influence
- Proper pensions schemes and insurance for construction
- Elected Management council for the control and licence of all construction industry activity
Contact Andrew or Noel at 0876675895