At a special press conference, held on April 9th, the People Before Profit Alliance were joined by other independent councillors and election candidates, Cllr Chris O’Leary (Ind) Pat Dunne (PBPA), Seamus Healy (former Independent TD) & others in condemning the recent budget.
Watch video of the press conference here
Richard Boyd Barrett (PBPA), Cllr Joan Collins (PBPA) & Cllr Chris O’Leary (Ind)
According to the participants, the budget represents a bank robbery carried out on PAYE workers, the poor, the young and parents of small children. Its main purpose will be to prop up a failing bank system that has already cost the Irish people millions in scare resources. Of the €1.8 billion raised in taxes from the budget, €1.4 billion has come from the PAYE sector.
It is beyond belief to suggest that there are ‘technical reasons’ for the failure to launch a sustained tax assault on Big money. It is particularly galling to see Ireland’s tax fugitives escape once again. Revenue estimates suggest that 440 high worth individuals, who have in excess of €30 million, are numbered among these 6,000 such fugitives.
The budget also represents an attack on the poor. Despite claims that there would be no cuts in social welfare, an effective cut of 2% has been imposed through the withdrawal of the Christmas bonus. The halving of social welfare for under 20 year olds is a further indication of the discriminatory mindset of this government.
The People Before Profit Alliance categorically reject the suggestion that the withdrawal of the Early Childhood Supplement is a progressive move. In the absence of funding for a comprehensive state pre-school system, this represents another vicious cutback.
It is important that a broad and progressive coalition emerges to oppose this budget. The anger of Irish society must find positive outlets. We, therefore, urge people to stage protests against the budget in local areas and will be working with others to bring a broad coalition into existence that can organise national protests. We also urge people to vote for radical candidates in the coming election to give the political establishment a message that there is a wind of change blowing through this country.
The People Before Profit Alliance are discussing at this moment in time the need to create a new political alternative that will bring together environmentalists, community, trade union and left activists.