Abolish Hospital Car Parking Charges

Abolish Hospital Car Parking Charges

The National Children’s Hospital has cost Irish taxpayers over €2 billion to build. But they will still charge patients €10 a day to park on the site.

It highlights how patients are being ripped off in many hospitals. Contracts for parking charges are handed over to private operators who profit from people’s stress and misery.

In the Mater Hospital in Dublin, for example, patients can pay up to €15 a day. In Vincent’s Hospital, you pay €14 if you stay over 7 hours.

But everyone knows that you can wait for long periods if you go to Accident and Emergency.
The Irish Cancer Society has found that families are paying an average of €200 a month just to park at hospitals for treatment.

The government promised to reform the car parking charges – but has done little. They should be abolished immediately.