People Before Profit, Foyle Candidate, Eamonn Mc Cann on paramililtary murder

"This is dreadful and infinitely depressing news to wake up to. People Before Profit condemns this killing outright. There are many problems unresolved in the North. Now, as previously, they cannot be addressed through violence by paramilitary organisations. They can only be addressed through the mass of the people organising themselves and pushing for change. Paramilitary violence of this sort is not just wrong in terms of political morality but is a distraction from and an obstacle to any real remedy for our ills. We call on those responsible to stop. If they have real grievances, they should seek another way."

People Before Profit is completely opposed to paramilitary activity to try and achieve political aims.
We condemn the murder of Kieran Doherty on the night of the 24th February and we oppose all paramilitary beatings and shootings.