Seagate Campaign Victory Sets A Powerful Example For Workers Across Ireland

People Before Profit's Councillor Shaun Harkin holding Unite's Seagate Vote Yes for your Union banner in the snow with workers

The historic 20-year campaign to get a union for Seagate workers in Derry has been followed by another landmark win for union recognition this week with another victory for Unite.

People Before Profit Councillor Shaun Harkin has praised Seagate workers after their second successful vote for trade union representation. 

Following voting last week, it was announced engineering specialists voted to join their manufacturing specialist colleagues to be represented by Unite the Union. 

‘On behalf of People Before Profit I  congratulate Seagate workers and Unite the Union on their campaign and the resounding victory.

‘This vote is a result of sustained and determined campaigning over many years.

‘This victory not only strengthens the collective voice of Seagate workers but also sets a powerful example for workers in Derry and across Ireland.

‘As Stormont continues to fall short in enacting an effective anti-poverty strategy, it is unions that are leading the fight against low pay, advocating for good working conditions, pushing for essential investment in public services and campaigning against harmful cuts. 

‘The real power in this country Iies in the hands of workers. With fighting trade unions on their side,  workers can deliver the positive changes that establishment politicians won’t.

‘Every worker should be in a union.’