People Before Profit Launch Alternative Budget 2025

Its time to end the rule of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael and radically change Irish society. People Before Profit is the only party that has ruled out going into government with FF-FG. While other parties dither we set out the radical action that is needed. Another Ireland is possible and People Before Profit have the political will to make it happen.

Our budget identifies the many sources of wealth in our society and identifies key actions to give working people a break and address the cost of living crisis, address the housing and climate crises, provides care for the most vulnerable and provides access to the basic services that people need.

We identify almost €56 billion in additional resources, including the Apple Tax, that could be raised and added to the over €8 billion predicted government surplus. We propose additional expenditure of almost €48 billion.

In addition to previous years of budget surpluses and the Apple tax money, our budget will also generate a substantial surplus in 2025 of over €16 billion.

The monies from the Apple Tax would be used by us to capitalise a state construction company and build social housing.

Other monies will be used to fund multi-year capital expenditure projects, such as fully renewable energy transformation, public transport, healthcare, and education infrastructure projects.

We would also abolish the USC for those earning under €100,000 a year and introduce a series of taxes on wealth – including a Millionaire’s Tax.

A summary of the budget can be downloaded here, and the full budget can be downloaded here.