Budget 2025 – End 100 Years of Fine Gael & Fianna Fáil – Another Ireland Is Possible

Download a summary of the budget document here.

Apple Tax to be used to capitalise state construction company and build social housing.

People Before Profit has launched an alternative Budget 2025  – End 100 Years of Fine Gael & Fianna Fáil – Another Ireland is Possible.

People Before Profit Finance spokesperson, Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett said “People Before Profit’s alternative budget is based on a very simple premise – Ireland is a very wealthy country. We have more than enough wealth and resources in this country to solve the housing and cost of living crises; to fix our broken health service; to properly fund our public services; and to look after the vulnerable. But Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil refuse to do this because they prioritise the interests of a tiny super-wealthy elite and staggeringly profitable corporations. The government’s approach to the Apple Tax case was emblematic of everything that is wrong with the priorities of successive Fine Gael and Fianna Fail governments”.

“Our budget is unique and radical in that we set out to redistribue the wealth that exists from the few to the many. By doing that, we can solve the housing crisis, address the cost of living crisis for working people, properly fund health, education and other vital public services, and guarantee the rights and needs of the vulnerable in our society”.

“The housing crisis is the absolute top policy priority. The crisis and its effects are damaging every aspect of the fabric of our society. The government is failing because it continues to rely on the market and developers when we urgently need an emergency programme led by the state to build the homes we need.  Therefore, a central commitment in our budget is to deploy the Apple tax to capitalise a state construction company so it can double the provision of social and affordable homes that we urgently need”.

Deputy Paul Murphy said “The cost of living has increased sharply in recent years and wages have not kept pace, so workers need a break. One of the measures People Before Profit proposes to benefit workers is to abolish the USC for those earning less than €100,000 per year. This would be funded by a wealth tax on multi-millionaires that could raise €8bn. Capitalism is an economy that’s rigged to benefit the few at the expense of the many. It’s time to return the wealth to the workers that create it”.

Councillor Hazel De Nortúin said “Childcare in Ireland is a nightmare for parents. It’s so difficult to find places for our children and the cost of care is a massive strain on families. People Before Profit propose to establish a publicly owned and funded free childcare system. As an interim measure during the transition to a public system we would invest €1.5 billion in 2025 to expand the number of childcare places and provide free preschool meals. The resources exist with Irish society to provide care for all our children. Our proposals would make that a reality”.

Deputy Gino Kenny said “We propose to invest €2 billion in disability services and supports, including increasing all disability related social welfare payments to €350 per week to end the poverty that affects so many living with disability. We would also abolish the means test for the Carers’ Allowance and ensure that carers are paid at least €15 per hour. We stand for a caring society and it’s time to value care and look after the most vulnerable”.

Dublin North West Equality in Education co-founder, Councillor Conor Reddy said “Additional education needs is yet another area where successive Governments have allowed a permanent state of crisis. To finally end the misery for parents and children we would increase the number of Special Needs Assistants by 2,000, Special Education Teachers by 1,000 and increase the number of psychologist posts in the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) by 50%. We would also recruit 375 additional clinicians to clear waiting lists for assessments of those with autism. By reducing pupil-teacher ratio and by hiring more staff to help students with additional needs, we will make sure that no child is left without a school place. The current crisis in additional education needs is a Government made and sustained crisis. People Before Profit would end that crisis”.

Deputy Boyd Barrett said “Our budget identifies the many sources of wealth in our society that can be redistributed from the wealthy to give working people a break and address the cost of living crisis, address the housing and climate crises, provide care for the most vulnerable and provide access to the basic services that people need. We have the resources, all that’s missing is the political will. Another Ireland is possible and People Before Profit have the political will to make it happen”.