First National SNA Appreciation Day

Photo of 12 Forsa Education Branch activists advertising the FIRST SNA APPRECIATION DAY 2024 Photography: Conor Healy / Picture It Photography

Thursday 26th September 2024 

Special Needs Assistants were first introduced into mainstream schools in Ireland in the 1970s, with the current contract for SNAs being established in 2005. This contract outlines the terms and conditions of employment for SNAs, including duties, working hours, and job security. However the current contract does not provide sufficient recognition of our professional status or reflect the complexity of our roles, which has changed significantly over this nearly 20 year period. 

As a result, we have been advocating for contract renegotiations, which are ongoing at the moment, to seek improvements in areas such as a clearer definition of the role of the SNA, recognition of the professional role we play in education, job security, increased wages, career progression, etc. 

The #RespectForSNAs campaign was launched by Fórsa SNA representatives in 2020 to demand greater recognition, fair treatment, and improved working conditions for Special Needs Assistants. It’s been a driving force in advocating for these contract renegotiations.

This year, SNA branches from across Ireland in Fórsa’s Education Division have come together to launch the first ever National Special Needs Assistants Appreciation Day on Thursday, September 26th 2024. 

Special Needs Assistants are the backbone of our schools and play an invaluable role in supporting the children who need it most. They ensure that students with special education needs can participate fully in school life, and reach their potential in an inclusive environment. SNA’s truly make a difference every day and it’s important we ensure they feel valued and respected for the work they do. 

As SNA’s our job is to assist the primary and secondary care needs of pupils, while fostering independence and inclusion; building relationships and a sense of belonging for our students in the school community. 

The launch of SNA Appreciation Day is another strand to this call for respect. We want to celebrate our SNA’s and show how proud we are of the work they do, celebrating their role in education and the support they provide to make education more accessible and more equal for children with special education needs. We’re proud of our membership in Fórsa Trade Union that allows us to advocate for campaigns like this, and we’d encourage everyone to come together to celebrate and acknowledge the incredible contributions of our SNAs across Ireland! #ThankOurSNAs

Photography: Conor Healy / Picture It Photography
Words: Samantha O’Flanagan

A note from the Trade Union Department:
The best way to show appreciation for our school staff is to build up their union numbers and power.
It’s only by education workers like SNAs coming together themselves that they can build the power to improve their situations and demand the change we need in our schools.
Right now their conditions and pay are overwhelmingly decided by government parties.
People Before Profit believe that workers deserve better and that their best voice is their own collective voice supported and amplified by their trade unions.
We absolutely appreciate Special Needs Assistants. Their work shapes young people, families, communities, and our schools.
Talk to Special Needs Assistants you know and tell them you think they should get active in making their work really work for everyone – including themselves! Join Fórsa’s Education Branch. Get every SNA you know in the union. They should be active in it. We want SNAs to get the themselves not just respect and ‘a better deal’ or ‘a voice at the table’- but power! The power to make working in any role in the school a sustainable place in our community for life.

Well done to everyone organising SNA Appreciation Day. #ThankOurSNAs #RespectForSNAs