Rent Hell – Time To Evict Fianna Fáil And Fine Gael

Rents are driving tenants into financial hardship and insecurity. In many cases, they consume half of the income of low-paid workers.

In the last year, rents increased by a staggering 11 percent, on an already high level.

The government’s answer has been to declare Rent Pressure Zones but there are so many loopholes that landlords can easily get around the 2 percent maximum limit.

Figures show that in the Dublin area, for example, rents have grown by DOUBLE the limits set by the Rent Pressure Zones.

The reality is that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are landlord parties, who do everything to protect their favourite class.

Many of their TDs own property which they rent out and refuse to declare a conflict of interest, when they vote on issues to do with rent.

Tenants need a party that supports strong rent controls, an immediate rent freeze and a facility to apply for rent reductions.