People Before Profit Councillor on Freedom Waves to Gaza

Councillor Hugh Lewis participates in latest attempt to break the siege of Gaza
Following a call for international solidarity from 46 civil society organisations in Gaza, which include Teachers Associations, the Public Service Workers Union, the Health Service Workers Union, youth groups and rehabilitation centres, the Irish ship MV Saoirse and a Canadian ship MV Tahrir have set sail as part of an initiative called Freedom Waves to once more break the siege of Gaza.

The situation in Gaza is worsening. The humanitarian crisis is escalating daily with the continuing siege by the Israelis. As of 1 January 2012, approximately 600,000 refugees will not receive their three month food ration from the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) because as a result of the siege most people are dependent on aid relief from the UN agency.

The Freedom Flotilla which had attempted to sail in June was prevented from sailing from Greece by Israeli pressure. The Irish ship, the MV Saoirse, was sabotaged while docked in Turkey at the time but has since been repaired.

The boats, two civilian vessels, carrying 27 passengers from seven countries, are currently in international waters en route to Gaza.

People Before Profit Councillor Hugh Lewis (Ballybrack) is participating in this humanitarian and solidarity mission with Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy, Sinn Fein representatives and others from civil society.

At 11.30am today the ships were 225 nautical miles from Gaza, 99 nautical miles w/sw of Cyprus and they expect to reach the port of Gaza sometime tomorrow if they are allowed to continue without interception by the Israelis.

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